Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Karachter: the tiny, slow social network one-ups Path and Twitter

Imagine getting one of these from
your bff - everyday!  We fully support
the entire alphabet.
My forward thinking friend Orion and I, are planning a technology revolution completely unlike anything the world has ever seen.

First Twitter redefined blogging, by limiting our posts to just 140 characters, helping us be concise, pithy, to the point, and never beating around the bush, avoiding wordiness and verbosity.

Then Path changed social networking, from bloated friend-lists, to just a few of your very closest, trusted contacts.

Today we are excited to take these trends to their futuristic conclusions with karachter, the biggest technology innovation since the Any Key.

Imagine a social network where you only need, in fact you are only allowed, one friend.

Karachter is way bigger than this
Imaging a messaging service so personal, so patient, and yes, so damned meaningful, that it only transmits one single character, to your one friend, each day.

Because studies show, that's all you really need. *

Imagine the joy of receiving a personalized ASCII character from your closest friend.  Imagine the excitement of piecing together your message.  Day, after day, after day.

Every letter is fully ROT13 encoded, by hand, for complete security, so you can relax and focus on selecting your next karachter.

The next version, code name SMILEY, unleashes true innovation: punctuation marks.  Of course it will take two full days to transmit a classic :) , but the suspense of wondering about whether its a frown or a smile makes it more than worthwhile.

And yes, we are already hard at work on our next product, BitFriend, which lets you transmit just a single digital bit per year.  (Join hundreds of thousands of hipsters who already have this on pre-order.)  This is certainly not your grandfathers Morse Code.

[*] Study funded by the Theoretical Palaeolithic Semiotics Society of Canada

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